Frequently Asked Questions
I am not an educator or first responder. May I still be a client of FEI & GAC Wealth Management?
Absolutely! Even though our name is Florida Educator Insurance, we aim to help every Floridian regardless of their career path. We are still very active in the educational and first responder community, but it is not a requirement to be a client of ours.
How can I get a quote or meet with someone to review my insurance policies?
There are a few ways you can get a quote or meet with someone to review your insurance policies. You may give us a call at (813) 600-3268 or request a quote online. Our main office located at 2660 Stonewood Park Loop, Land O Lakes, FL 34638, is open from 8AM to 5PM, Monday - Friday. If you can’t make it to our office, our fully licensed staff will meet with you anytime at your house or place of business. We understand life can be busy and we will do our best to accommodate you!
Do I need to wait until my current policy is up before I switch over to you?
No. Especially if it’s in your best interest to switch to one of our top “A” rated companies, we will take care of everything for you. The sooner we can start saving you money, the better.
Are you closed for lunch?
No. We are open Monday - Friday, 8AM to 5PM and never close for lunch. If you need us afterhours, we are available 24/7 on our emergency number: 813.618.2822
Could you explain the connection with Joy FM?
Florida Educator Insurance was founded on Christian principles. Our owner, Gary Cucchi, is a member of Idlewild Baptist Church, and is very involved in supporting his local church, international ministries, and other local Christian ministries.